Consumer, News

Apple Looking to Develop a Foldable Phone

Apple Plans to Develop Foldable iPhone

The recent release of Vision Pro by Apple has provided a rare glimpse into the typically guarded development process of the tech giant. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Tim Cook shed light on the challenges faced in bringing Apple’s first headset to fruition, referring to an early iteration of the device as “the monster,” highlighting the complexities involved in its development.

Meanwhile, speculation abounds regarding the potential release of foldable versions of the iPhone, with reports suggesting setbacks related to durability issues and the persistent challenge of the foldable crease. These hurdles reportedly prompted Apple to momentarily pause the development of the foldable iPhone, instead focusing on a folding iPad. However, recent reports from The Information indicate that Apple may be reevaluating its approach to the foldable iPhone project after overcoming initial delays.

The Vanity Fair piece hinted at the existence of such a product within Apple’s facilities, alongside other ambitious but unrealized projects, stored away from public view. Yet, the tone used to describe the device suggests it may have been one of many projects that failed to meet Apple’s stringent standards. Apple is known for discarding projects that fall short of expectations, with only occasional exceptions like AirPower making it to the public announcement stage.

Foldable iPhone mockup

Foldable iPhone Mockup

Apple Existing Interest

Apple’s interest in foldable devices appears to have roots dating back to 2018, preceding Samsung’s release of the Galaxy Fold, the first commercially viable foldable smartphone. Despite Samsung’s initial struggles with the launch, the foldable category has evolved significantly over the past 4.5 years, with devices like the Galaxy Fold and Flip demonstrating consumer demand. Other major players, including Huawei, Oppo/OnePlus, Motorola (Lenovo), and Google, have also entered the foldable market.

While early foldable devices faced durability concerns, significant strides have been made in addressing these issues. However, challenges remain, particularly concerning the longevity of moving parts. For Apple, maintaining its reputation for excellence means surpassing existing standards, whether through improved drop-testing results or eliminating the foldable crease altogether.

Consumers eager to get their hands on an Apple foldable device may need to wait until 2026. While the foldable market is projected to grow substantially, it remains a small segment compared to the overall smartphone market. Nonetheless, Apple’s entry could significantly impact its trajectory and consumer perception.

The Foldable Phone Market

Apple’s preference for a clamshell design for the foldable iPhone sets it apart from larger, tablet-like alternatives. Balancing screen size and device portability is crucial, with Apple reportedly considering an eight-inch main display, larger than current competitors. This move would necessitate a wider form factor, blurring the line between clamshell and tablet.

Market competition offers diverse perspectives on the ideal foldable device footprint, with each company striving to appeal to a broad audience. Apple is likely to introduce a single form factor initially, positioned as a flagship alongside the iPhone lineup. Despite potentially high costs, Apple’s entry into the foldable market will undoubtedly lend legitimacy to the category and influence its future trajectory.

While Samsung currently dominates the foldable market, Apple’s participation could disrupt the status quo significantly. The company’s track record of innovation, from the iPhone to AirPods, suggests its entry into foldables will have a substantial impact. As the landscape evolves, Apple’s strategic moves will shape the future of foldable devices, prompting competitors to adapt to the changing market dynamics.


[1] Vanity Fair – Why Tim Cook is Going All In with The Apple Vision Pro

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